About a month ago, we got Bowen's pictures done. They are posted at carleajphotography.com. But here are a few of our favorites.

This year we had Four Christmases. Yes just like the movie. Our first one was on Christmas Eve at my aunt and uncles house in Dripping Springs. The second was at Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Mandy's in Luling, the third at Aunt Kelley's in Wimberly, and the fourth in Corpus at Grandma's. All of us were worn out from traveling, but as always it was great to see everyone.

Its almost 2010! I can't believe that either. I am not sure what the plans for New Years are yet but I hope they involve a toast at midnight. That's all I really ask for. And a kiss for good luck! That will also be 10 years that Justin and I have been together. 10 years is a long time, but it also seems like just yesterday. We have seen and done alot in the last 10 years. And now we have Bowen to share it with. We love him so much its ridiculous.
Coming up shortly Justin will be 30. 30 is the new 20 right? haha:) Birthdays are a big deal around here, so I am sure something huge will happen. Here is a pic of Christmas at 29.

As I sit here after just getting Bowen to sleep(he's a fighter!), I think about how he will never be 11 weeks again. 11 weeks! Can you believe it?! Here are some pictures last week getting his two month shots. :(

I am off to grandma's to get everything situated for Bowen to be there next week. I am very thankful that she will be watching him. But it will still be sad:( Wish I could freeze frame time...